Ever wonder why the water you drink out of the stream next to hunting camp or up in the mountains tastes so darn good?
Well, besides the water having less potential contamination like that found in the water pipes of our modern towns and cities, there is another reason why that water tastes so delicious and refreshing.
And that reason is the water is……
Let me explain.
Water for drinking purposes is typically derived from groundwater, streams, rivers, and lakes.
When water is in these locations, water is paramagnetic in its natural form.
Paramagnetic means that the water holds a magnetic charge depending on the site and source.
Earth has an incredible magnetic field that naturally charges water in these locations, which enhances our vitality.
The challenge with our conventional methods of transporting water through pipes is that the water begins to lose some of its magnetic charges through the various treatment plants and processes.
A good solution to this dilemma is to drink more of the water found in the mountains that is far from people and industrialization.
But what if we don’t have access to that high quality of lovely water?
Then, our next best bet would be to magnetize our water.
Which is probably going to be more realistic for most of us.
How do we magnetize our water?
One way is to acquire a magnetic pad (found online) that you can put underneath your glass of water.
Set your glass of water on top of the pad for at least 20 minutes so that your water can be converted to magnetic means.
Once water becomes magnetized, potential benefits of magnetized water can begin to take place by consuming consistently: reduce arthritis pain, lower blood pressure, break up gallbladder and kidney stones, quicken the recovery from a stroke, improve nutrient digestibility, and unclog arteries.¹
When consuming magnetized water, we have the opportunity to restore balance within the body.
The earth was intended to normalize our circulatory system through paramagnetic means.
Magnetizing our water is an excellent method so our body can return to a balanced medium like we were designed.
Drink up that mountain water and use a magnetic pad to magnetize your water at home.
That is if you want to be a super hunter like my mother.
¹Ebrahim, S. A., & Azab, A. E. (2017). Biological Effects of Magnetic Water on Human and Animals. Biomedical Sciences, 3(4), 78. doi:10.11648/j.bs.20170304.12